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Making the Climate Case for Freshwater Action

The protection, conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems is critical to slow climate change: degradation and loss of peatlands alone result in greater emissions than the entire aviation sector.

This webinar will discuss how to integrate actions to conserve, restore and protect freshwater systems into climate mitigation plans and investments. It will explore opportunities presented by growing commitments to achieve the Freshwater Challenge, a country-led initiative that aims to support, integrate and accelerate the restoration of 300,000 km of degraded rivers and 350 million hectares of degraded wetlands.

This webinar is organized by the Water Initiative for Net Zero (WINZ), which promotes water’s role in solutions to reduce greenhouse emissions and ensure climate-resilient development.

Featured Speakers and Panelists

  • James Dalton, Global Head, Water and Wetlands, IUCN

  • Gena Gammie, Director of the Water Initiative, Forest Trends | Presentation >

  • Ian Harrison, Freshwater Specialist, Conservation International | Presentation >

  • Christine Colvin, Head of Policy, Freshwater, WWF International

June 3

High-Level Session on Watering the Clean Energy Transition at Opening of the Bonn Climate Conference