Climate Resilient Sanitation Case Studies (CRSC)

Urban Sanitation greenhouse-gas emissions in Kampala, Uganda

Global estimates of emissions of greenhouse gasses do not take into account the complex service chain in rapidly growing cities in low- and middle-income countries. This paper presents an end-to-end analysis to estimate emissions from all stages of the sanitation-service chain in Kampala, Uganda. Sanitation emissions are estimated at 189 kt CO2 e per year, roughly half of the total city level emissions. 

Carbon Credit Feasibility assessment for Container Based Sanitation (2022)

The Container Based Sanitation Alliance (CBSA) led a feasibility study to understand whether carbon credits could become a viable income stream for sanitation providers and help to reduce the funding gap. This brief describes the results of this study, and the actions needed to make carbon credits accessible to sanitation providers, providing an additional revenue stream.

Sanitation and Climate: Assessing resilience and emissions

Sanitation and climate: assessing resilience and emissions (SCARE), is a four-year project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, performing field research and policy engagement will take place in South Asia (Nepal), East Africa (Ethiopia and Uganda), West Africa (Senegal).


IWA | Climate Smart Cities


National Frameworks and Roadmaps for Net Zero Water Utilities: Canada, Australia and the UK